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" If you're so desperate to
draft yourself a title, write it
in your own blood, not
others'. "

Recieve You
Ryu Ga Gotoku

A roleplay carrd dedicated to my OC, Sugimoto Saichi.
This carrd is best viewed on desktop.
Multi-wol friendly, has both WOL and non-WOL canons.

template made by © poohsources

His story

TW: Prostitution, Abuse, (implied) Child abuse, Discimination, Alcoholism, General violence & Topics related to PTSD.

PROLOGUEWith a boy born into the tribe of Borlaaq from an affair with a man of Oronir, Sugimoto's mother found herself before a difficult choice: To give up her child or give up her tribe, her family. She had merely a year to make this decision and wasted no time looking for any other place that would take him in. Alas, there was no one to turn to. All she could hope for was a blessing. That blessing came in form of a young merchant, who also happened to be a telented fisher, Michiyori Togawa. The young xaelan boy was taken in by the man and was given a doman name. Being too young to remember anything beyond the lullabies and fairytales of his distant homeland, he traveled far and wide with Michiyori all across the realm. Eventually the man's young spirit and ambitions died out. He settled in Limsa Lominsa with Sugimoto, whom he now saw as his son. Not shortly after, Sugimoto's peaceful days of mastering his father's trade would come to an end on one unfortunate evening when the merchant fell ill. They could not afford to purchase madicine for him, so one day Michiyori simply asked him one thing: to give him a proper burial, to let him spend his last days near the sea.Sugimoto didn't have any other family to take him in, so he had no choice but to live on his own. A fisherman by trade, a hunter out of necessity, the young man spent most of his youth as a brash and troubled soul. Doing all he can to survive. Poor and struggling, but still young and boisterous.Pickpocketing, stealing, picking fights — he did it all with no question. With no one to guide him or limit him, he did whatever he pleased. During his time in Limsa, he managed to pick up some vocabulary and could read most signs because of Michiyori's teachings. Still, he was multiple grades below average, which planted a deep frustration in him. He knew that scholarly future was not in the cards for a man like him. All that was left was to steal and take the beatings for it, to stomach being taken advantage of and do anything to stay afloat. Thus, he led a lonely existence, unable to trust anyone. He preached to only think about yourself, yet there was a kindness in him that he could not suppress. Even during his most dire times, he'd help the ones in need. He cannot escape his nature — To answer everyone's call.Eventually that nature will become his fatal flaw.


— You need a bodyguard?
He's your man, and he'll do it for cheap! Most of his life was spent being a blade for hire and doing all kind of dirty work. Need someone who will do what would make most grimace in disgust? Don't hesitate to ask him.
— Does your character love to spar?
Go ahead and challenge him, he'll take you out for drinks if you win!
He can't say not to friendly sparring. Despite being an old man, nothing gets his blood flowing like a good ol' brawl. He might be a sore loser, but you can still expect your strength to be rewarded. If he wins, you'll have to deal with his smug boasting.
— Soldiers / war veterans.
Bond over your experiences. The weight of Dragonsong war still hangs heavy on his shoulders. The guilt, the loss and the pure horror he was subjected to makes him feel broken. Not having many souls left who could understand his position, his pain makes him feel isolated.

— Your character is from The Azim Steppe.
He'll be more trusting and inclined to talk. He always seeks to learn more about his roots. Being forced to leave his homeland at young age has left him with a complicated relationship between him and what is uspposed to be his roots.
— Conflicting morals?
Bring it on. His curiosity might overpower his stubbornness. Blindly following his twisted, albeit rightious moral code has been his way of living ever since he could remember himself. You can challenge htose views, or point out his hypocrisiy and make him face his own shorcomings. He speaks of nobility and pride, but does he embody it?
— He's afraid of the sea despite being a fisher.
Tease him about it! Or poke and prod.. Is your character a fisher, or perhaops simply a passerby who noticed him shivering so slightly near Limsa decks? Inquire him about it or see what happens if you were to push his theoretical fear.


"I will lay myself bare until there is nothing left for others to hunger for."

Age: 47 summers (post EW)
Class: WAR/BST + BLU, Ex- GNB
Occupation: Fisher, hunter, mercenary, ex-soldier
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Current residence: Gridania
Gender: male
Orientation: bisexual/unlabeled
Voiceclaim: Darryl Kurylo + Takaya Kuroda (Kiryu Kazuma)
Do not let the stature and his overconfident demeanor intimidate you, at his core he is a huge coward with an oddly brave heart. He will boast about all you can imagine, but do not expect him to back any of it up. He's open and friendly to the ones who don't push his buttons. Can be characterized as youthful and brash despite his age. He also has a strong moral code that often makes him sound like a hypocrite, but he truly believes in it. In the end, if push comes to shove, he will fight for what he deems right despite his own fear. His poor temper makes him rise to the challenge no matter the consequences, so keep that in mind.


"My hope, my wife."
Their paths crossed once in their youth, and the encounter was pleasant. Their meeting long forgotten, they reunite years later because of pure coincidence. ...Or perhaps fate. Together, they learn what it means to heal & to love one another. For her, he'll become a better man.
"My heart, my child."
Summoned in his darkest hour, the little fae has become akin to a child to him, his blood family. Their bond grows ever stronger as they journey out to make the best out of their second chance at life. His guiding light.
"A fragment of her, of me."
Marie hid away the fact that her and Sugimoto had a son. It was both to not burden Sugimoto, but to also protect Jack from following the same path. She, unfourtunately did not succeed. After his mother's passing, he joined the mob, through which he discovered his father and had a strained relationship with since.


"My first spark, a woman I'd marry."
Sugimotos first love. A woman with a strong character and even stronger sense of hope. Sold off as an escort to a brothel, she didn't think there will be a chance at happiness for her. But fate was always upredictable. Even if it was only for a short while, she was happy.
"Forged alongside me, my borther."
A brother he never knew of, entering his life abruptly and turning it upside down. He is a manipulative and calculating individual. He pities Sugimoto, which is why he manipulates him into servitude under his reign.

EARLY YEARS [1.0-ARR]Despite being dealt a bad hand in his early life, he found ways to get by. Be it his annoying yet prominent charisma or selling his body in many different ways, he always found what made others tick. At times, he felt like he could feel their emotions as if his own. It was an overwhelming talent. But he decided that If he couldn't escape the greedy hands pawing at him. Having nothing but himself to his name, at least he could take advantage of them. He became more manipulative, molding himself to whatever he deemed most likable when he sensed that a person had less than pure intentions. His bluntness and rough exterior only spurring the desperate on. That is, when he was in his element. There are times when he isn't in control, and he stumbles through his conversations and actions like he's never had an interaction with someone before. His lack of manners becoming more apparent, and his akwardness more prominent.Because of this Sugimoto has developed a certain reputation in Limsa Lominsa. After all, his poor habit of sleeping around, getting himself into debts and absolutely outlandish situations has left a mark on the psyche of the locals they'd rather erase. He was an idiot, one who always bit off more than he can chew.But even a man like him falls in love. In the middle of his trips from Limsa to Kugane — working one of his better jobs as a goods peddler, he met Marie. And there it was, the first spark and his first love. She was warm, firery and determined like no one that he's met before. Her determination to move forward and chase her dreams pushed Sugimoto to believe in a better world once again. Life no longer revolved around simply getting a warm meal for himself, but made him yearn for something more — He just wasn't sure what it was yet.As his relationship with Marie became more serious, as his countless letters to Kugane slowly found their way to her, he came a little closer to the truth. Even though he was unable to afford to travel, he still confided in her. Marie was perhaps the only living being that would ever know what he was subjected to. What greedy, desperate hands of strangers are capable of. That a fist becomes the lesser evil when gentle touch becomes forceful. And she confided in him, that beauty was a sin when your family sells you off to brothel, for you become a favorite. And so, they connected in a much deeper way than they could imagine. Sugimoto finally knew what yearned for:
A family.

HALONE'S GREAT SHAME [HW]One crucial element that needs to be understood when it comes to Sugimotos fractured psyche during this time is that his stepfather's passing had shifted his perspective of life. He grew desperate, the first seed of fear, of loss, planting itself in his heart. Restless, he became ever more frustrated with being unable to ensure a better fate for the few loved ones he still had. One of them being Marie. A woman he fell in love with, and was now determined to marry. They found comfort in one another, aware of how cruel human desire can be, unable to do anything to stop it. But Sugimoto yearned to free Marie of this. For her to no longer need to worry about anything, for her to be free. He'd do anything to earn the money they need.He begged Ishgard to let him enlist and earn his right to call this place his home. He'd have to bite the bullet again and again, withstanding corruption, withstanding knowing that he takes innocent lives for the sake of a lie and withstanding that he was barely any better to them than an actual dragon. That even if he is praised as a hero, he'll know that a soldier who comes back alive is no more than a vile beast. So bloodthirsty and selfish, giving up everything to survive. He was content with this, as long as he could be one step closer to his dream, to their dream. What he didn't know is that he could never return to his beloved. Or to their son, Jack, who he one day will find out about.The only person he's gotten truly close to was his general, Adrian Durendaire, whom he saw as a comrade in arms. Being assigned to a division patrolling the depths of Coerthas, their resources were always limited. Having a strong leader was the only thing that kept them afloat.Their troops suffered an unexpected snowstorm after which they were ambushed by the horde. Desperately trying to contact Ishgard as their supplies,and men, were running thin, they were met with a deafening silence. Adrian knew what that meant. They were the least valuable division, sent to the very outskirts to scour for the enemy. Disposable, yet expensive to maintain. The man knew they were sent here to camp out until their inevitable deaths. Sugimoto was the only man he shared this thought with. Sugimoto refused to believe him. So, as the last men left standing fell to the ground, their blood painting the pure white snow crimson, he dragged an injured Adrian with him. The xaela was determined to make it back to Ishgard. He had to. As his desperation grew, Adrian's body grew weak, until the lieutenant wasn't breathing anymore. Reality set in — Sugimoto would be next.As the cold & hunger caved in, he felt his humanity slipping. He couldn't stomach leaving Adrians body behind, so he took it with him all the same. It didn't take long until his body, too, started giving out. The man spent so much time killing, so much time surviving only to perish in the snow after days of trying to get to the damned city by foot, with a dead man in tow.That is when he realized the price of survival.
What hunger means.
Sugimoto Saichi returned to Ishgard as the sole survivor. Adrian Durendaire's remains were never found.

Discharged with not a singular coin to his name after lashing out at his higher-ups, after disrespecting the church to a highest degree, he was banished out of the city. Deemed a shameful stain on Ishgardian history now that Dragonsong War came to and end, Sugimoto was left stranded. That is, until house Fortempts made a generous donation, allowing Sugimoto to choose where he wanted to head next for the first time in his life.
He headed for Kugane, yet made no plans on seeking Marie out. He was not the man she knew, and he reeked of blood. So much so that he would only stain her life further. Sugimoto couldn't say that he was any better than the greedy hands that reached for him, and her. Thus he enlisted in Sekiseigumi, hoping to at the very least learn more of his stepfather's family. After all, Michiyori never spoke about the Togawa name. It was one of the few mysteries still left unanswered, one of the few things to keep his distracted, aside from a good bottle of booze that kept his mind hazy enough that he didn't have to think anymore. There was another matter that required his attention, namely the Azim Steppe, which weighed heavy on his shoulders. A part of him always yearned to find out why he was abandoned, another preferred to forget it altogether.The constant drinking and general numbness made Sugimoto adopt a rough façade that was carefully forged by his time in the army. This made him the infamous Wolf of Mibu. Showing no hesitation or mercy to those who did not respect the local rules, chasing deserters and rebels to the very edge of Othard. Officer Saichi was known more as a demon, rather than man. But it was not because of his thrist for blood or cruelty, but the stone cold apathy that felt inhuman to most.Rumors of organized crime always reached his ears first, which made a familiar last name all too shocking. Jack Kurosawa — a mere boy with Marie's last name, was suspected of having a hang in one of the biggest yakuza organizations. It was a lead worth pursuing, but the yong man has already fled to Ul'dah by the time he was made aware of this, and he couldn't leave his post. He did recieve a mysterious letter from someone wqho claimed to be his brother. Sugimoto couldn't predict how this little letter was going to change his life.

DAWN BREAKS [SHB] I.The liberation of Doma brought with itself many changes. No longer 'needed' by the nation now that it was slowly untangling its history from Garlean rule, he was once again thrown away as a relic of the past. Free, or moreso abandoned, he didn't have many other objectives aside from investigating the mysterious letter.When he met the man known by the name 'Amasar' in the undergrounds of Ul'dah, he couldn't deny the resemblance. If the man was truly his brother, that meant multiple things. One would be that Michiyori witheld more from him than he could imagine, second would be that his brother had his hands at the reigns of organized crime, essentially becoming the very thing that gnawed at Sugimoto all these years. Their conversation went as expected, Amasar believing that Sugimoto led a very sad existence because of his principles, because he couldn't make himself do what must be done. While Sugimoto believed that the man was rotten to the core, even further from human than he could ever stray. He was ready to turn away and never speak to the man, but Amasar revealed something to him that made him stop in his tracks. Jack worked under him. That fact made him feel helpless. The little fragment of Marie still walking the earth was in the hands of the very thing that took away her happiness. He did not join Amasar in full, but started accepting commissions from Ul'dahn Syndycate to track down whoever was deemed the enemy of the state.While this position granted him much more freedom than anything he lived off of before, it also was the most gruesome. He understood that he was essentially the executioner of whoever he was tasked to track down. As long as Amasar had any say in the Syndicate, as long as the powers were as corrupt as they are, these people would never get a fair trial.

DAWN BREAKS [SHB] II.His mind was muddled and his determination faded away as it semed like he truly couldn't turn the tides. Was this fate? He couldn't say. Many things buzzed in his mind during this period. One of which, was a call. A call that made him travel far and wide. At first, Sugimoto assumed it was the call that brought him to the First. The call that led him to a world at the brink of being consumed by light. To Eulmore, where he faced what he despised most. Not only because he saw the poor being treated like livestock on the streets, only to be picked up if deemed useful — but also because his own hypocrisy was on full display. How could he blame Eumoreans for their blissful ignorance when he has spent his own time chasing the very same high? ...While he was serving the corrupt to save his own skin?And yet, this call persisted. It was something that reached him in his dreams. On days he'd dream of another world, of himself that wasn't truly him. On days he felt incomplete.During his first True Night in the Crystarium, one of these dreams became a prophecy.The sun spares nothing.It's another one of those dreams. The one where he doesn't have his scales, the one where he only partially recognizes himself. He looks hyuran, but his stature doesn't resemble that of a regular hyur. He sees a city engulfed in flames, and a sense of shame fills him that he doesn't recognize. He makes his way through the fire. Before him, beast and man are becoming one. All creatures here are emitting agony. Among the chaos, he notices one that is relentless in its fury. Gorging down on anything that moves and tearing it down. He makes his way through the rubble, taking note of the phantoms that were once human that seem to fade away when he gets too close. As he stands before it, he can't help but notice how much the beast resembles a man. The longer he looks at it, the more he feels himself tremble. What he sees before him is a man that has a simmulair build, light brown hair, and glowing green eyes. If whatever is causing these transformations didn't distort his body, he'd almost look like Sugimoto. Or at least the way Sugimoto looks here. The man looks at him with hatred in his eyes. It's like he can't truly see Sugimoto. Just a being. Another body.He steps closer to the growling fiend and asks, "Why are you filled with so much hatred?"
"Because I'm useless." The beast answers solemnly, the fire in its eyes did not reflect in its tone. If anything, it was sadness.
The world before him melts away, the beast caves in. Its skull and whatever flesh yet remained hung above Sugimoto. Yet somehow he knew it was still alive, this was just part of the cycle that had stopped in this world. A pathetic replica of life and death. If the sun never comes, the moon will take the remains of all. Like it did his stepfather, like it will take him. Before he can really work through this fear of his, he sees a spark in the sky. A gentle glow of something. His last hope for daylight. It was flickering, small and weak, but it was there and it was alive. He could almost reach it.The new sun.He knew something was coming, and he knew that he'll have to face it. He didn't feel ready, but somehow he was sure that he's the only person that will be able to.

AT THE FINGERTIPS OF FATE [EW]Heracles was a man that once lived. He lived during the days that the people were whole. Before the sundering, before all that we know. He was blunt, determined and not very keen on following social rules. He often traded his robe for something more accommodating for someone who trained and explored most of his time. Sadly, much like one of his shards, Sugimoto, he wasn't well attuned to aetheric energy. Creation magicks were an unattainable feat to him. Despite his shortcomings, he had a way of charming people that not many posessed. Being able to connect with them, to live amongst them and bring them together. That one thing defined Heracles.But what could a man like this do during the final days? If the members of the convocation that did have the power he lacked couldn't do anything, what could he offer? Sacharine words, at best. He was consumed by dissapointment. The power of dynamis presisted even during the most miserable song. And Heracles could hear every note. He wondered if others did. When the sundering came, his soul did not fracture the same way others did. In a cruel twist of fate, he was tougher than even the most powerful of souls.For there was something his close friend, Hermes, also known as Fandaniel, never told him.Him and Meteion had something in common.Not quite himself, yet not quite someone else. Heracles was left in a limbo between worlds. His mind was scrambled as he felt that core pieces of him were missing. The few shards of his. He aimlessly roamed the new world, watching life bloom. Eventually, it didn't seem so different to his times. Being unable to live in the new people's blissful ignorance, he instead joined Hydalyn in the quest to protect them from other Ascians. Despite his good intetions, his mind continued to deteriorate. His sense of duty became an obsession. He turned to drastic measures, slaughtering anyone who had even the littest connection to the Ascians. This 'Justisce' terrified Hydalyn, but she couldn't stop him. Not as she was. And so, Heracles was left stranded. Executing his justice every waking moment.When there were no Ascians left to slay, he once again felt useless. The song he heard had a more positive, hopeful tone and the world seemed to heal. There was no need for Heracles anymore. He, too, must become a part of history. He knew, deep down, that he was not so different from the Ascians he deemed too insane to exist. So, he waited. He waited to become one with his shard. To be freed and slain, too.And eventually Sugimoto found him.
And it was beautiful,
And it was horrific.
Heracles gave it his all, and then gave all of himself to Sugimoto. As Heracles fell and turned to dust, Sugimoto sat in his Domain that will soon disappear alongside its ancient.In that moment, for the first time, he prayed for a miracle. He prayed to whatever God or entity to grant him his one, single wish: To give him a guiding light. To put an end to this loneliness. If he didn't have himself, then what did he have?And so, a ray of light appeared, little stars falling from it. From that light, a small fae descended into his arms. His plea was heard, and he was left with an individual he will come to see his as his own child. Their name was Cephei Kisne, and they and Sugimoto were given a second chance at life.Not much later, a word of Jack Kurosawa becoming the new head of what once was Amasar's empire reached him. Although still unsure, this was the final push for Sugimoto to finally leave his old life behind. After all, there's no time choosing whether he deserves a peaceful life or not, when there is a living, breathing being under his care.He picks up weaving and becomes a blacksmith, wishing to put his hands to better use. Perhaps to convince himself they can do more than only harm. And so, Sugimotos life becomes that of a full-hearted adventurer. Exploring the realm, looking into the abyss alongside Zero and unveiling Cepheis and his own past. He also meets Dilon Ghiliana, a woman he once knew in his youth. Not that a hazy memory is much to remember, but their newfound passion and understanding ignites one, final spark in Sugimotos life.With his newfound family, he will be facing many trials. Eventually, he'll have to face Jack again, with whom he's yet to exchange more than a few passing words, he'll have to uncover the mystery of Cepheis origin and stand alongside Dilon as she faces her own past and hurdles.The rays of a a new dawn trail down his face as he readies himself for a new chapter in his life.